Standard Funeral Arrangements
Ollie Burns & Sons Funeral Directors provide a wide range of services including:
- Liaise with any Hospital, Nursing Home or Hospice.
- Assist in every aspect of funeral arrangements.
- Collection of the deceased.
- Liaise directly, on your behalf, with all persons involved in the ceremony.
- Liaise with qualified embalmers in order for your loved one to be embalmed and to prepare the deceased for viewing.
- Assist in the selection of coffins/caskets from our showroom.
- We make all third-party payments, on your behalf.
- Cremation.
- Pre-Planned Funeral Arrangements / Pre-Paid Funeral Plans
- Worldwide Repatriation Service
- Purchase of new grave(s), if required.
- Opening of existing grave, if required.
- Supply of grave marker to identify a burial in a new grave/plot.
- Radio announcements.
- Internet announcements, (, Funeral Times, etc.).
- Death notices in local and national newspapers, if requested.
- Church music.
- Floral tributes.
- Provide Condolence Books.
- Advise on funeral reception.
- Specific information on death certificates, grants, etc.
Would you like to find out more about our services?
If you have any queries relating to any of the services that we offer, please do not hesitate in contacting us today on (086) 8901943 or on (087) 0964687 (Gerry) or our office on (093) 41942 or alternatively you can email us at
All queries you may have are dealt with total confidentiality and each query will be answered to your complete satisfaction.