Worldwide Repatriation Service
From Abroad to Ireland
When your loved one passes away abroad and wishes to be buried or cremated here in Ireland, an extra dimension of painful difficulty can present itself to the grieving family. But, by contacting Ollie Burns & Sons Funeral Directors, we can take care of all the necessary arrangements for you. We liaise directly with the relevant authorities on an ongoing basis in order to arrange in having the remains of your loved one brought home, as soon as possible. We will ensure that all of the paperwork is in order, and liaise with transport authorities to facilitate smooth flight details. After collecting the deceased from the airport, we can organise for your loved one to be embalmed, if necessary, to facilitate family viewing in Ireland.
From Ireland to Abroad
When your loved one passes away in Ireland, and wishes to be sent back to their home country to be buried or cremated, we can look after everything from the collection of the remains, right up to transferring them to the airport. We will arrange everything, such as obtaining the appropriate paperwork, e.g. death cert, out of state papers, and dealing with the various embassies abroad. Ollie Burns & Sons Funeral Directors will ensure that flights are booked for the remains to be transferred to the airport and transported to their country of origin
Would you like to find out more about our repatriation services?
If you have any queries relating to our worldwide repatriation service, please do not hesitate in contacting us today on (086) 8901943 or on (087) 0964687 (Gerry) or our office on (093) 41942 or alternatively you can email us at
All queries you may have are dealt with total confidentiality and each query will be answered to your complete satisfaction.